Sync Synthesis

Text To Speech

Product Overview

  • Convert text into natural speech through LiveData artificial intelligence technology

Apply for services

Synthesis API uses a complete flow and self-application model. You may sign up on the LiveData’s official website (, and then create an application on console. A pid and a service key will be sent to you.

You can also activate other services on the Management Console - Overview Page.

Access Method

Service Endpoint

HTTP Request headers

Header value Description
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Request body type
Accept application/json;charset=UTF-8 Respone body type
X-AppId demo:81900001 Application ID or Project ID
X-TimeStamp Request time in UTC format For example: 2010-01-31T23:59:59Z. (for more information, go to
Authorization Signature Token Check Authentication section below

Request Method:POST

Request Body

Field Name Optional Type Description
text Required String text content,length range:[1,500]
language Optional String Text content language. If not, the language will be automatically detected.
voice 可选 VoiceSetting Synthetic voice related configuration. When the parameter is empty, the system default sound corresponding to the language is used.
Output Optional Output Output config


Field Name Optional Type Description
name Optional String Optional sound names provided on the cloud (contact relevant staff for specific sound libraries, custom sounds are not yet available)
audio Optional String Target sound audio file address (currently only supports wav format)


Field Name Optional Type Description
format Optional String Output audio format, candidate is:pcm、wav、mp3,default is: wav

Request Body

Request Sample

    "text": "想让文字出来跳舞吗?我们的语音合成服务就像魔法一样,把无声的字句变成有趣的声音冒险!",
    "language": "zh-CN",
    "output": {
        "gender": 0,
        "format": "mp3"

Request sign:

When the user requests the speech synthesis API, he or she can use the appId and secretKey to sign the request. When the API receives the request with signature information, it will use the same algorithm to verify the signature. If the signature is found to be inconsistent, the API will return 401 to the user.

If the API verification signatures are consistent and the user corresponding to the appId has the permission to operate the requested resource, the request is successful, otherwise the API returns 401.

Send signature via HTTP request header

Method: Add a header named Authorization in the request, whose value is the signature value. For example:

 Authorization: ****

Signature calculation method

  1. Canonicalized Query String:

Convert the request body JSON string to a hexadecimal string (not Base64) by doing sha256 encoding with UTF-8 character encoding.

CanonicalizedQueryString = hex(sha256(jsonBody))

  1. Constructs the signed string StringToSign ("\n" stands for ASCII newline character):

     StringToSign = HTTPMethod + "\n" +
                    HostHeaderInLowercase + "\n" +
                    HTTPRequestURI + "\n" +
                    CanonicalizedQueryString <get from previous> + "\n" +
                    "X-AppId:" + SAME_APPID_IN_HEADER + "\n" +
                    "X-TimeStamp:" + SAME_TIMESTAMP_IN_HEADER

The HTTP RequestURI is the absolute path to the request URI, without the request string. If the HTTPRequestURI is empty, also keep a forward slash (/)

The hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) is created using the HMAC-SHA256 protocol and the signature is calculated.

  1. StringToSign as the signature string, secretKey as the secret key and SHA256 as the hash algorithm.

    For more information about HMAC, see:
  2. Converting the results of the previous step to a BASE64 string

  3. Put the BASE64 string into the Authorization of HTTP request Header

Example of signature

Below is an example of appId & secretKey & video.


Below is an example of request type.


Generate CanonicalizedQueryString


Generate StringToSign


Signatures from HMAC calculations


HTTP Response

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

The result is in JSON format, please refer to the following example.

  • Example of HTTP response:

Description of returning json field:

Field Name Type Description
errorCode Number Error code: 0 means success
errorMessage String Error message
textSpam json object Resut message
warning Boolean Customize the alarm information of advertising words, and configure it when adding a blacklist on the console
taskId String Unique identifier to distinguish different calls
startTime Number Timestamp, representing the detection text call time
endTime Number Timestamp, representing the return time of the detected text result
Field Name Type Description
errorCode Number 0,success
errorMessage String Prompt Message
data ResponseData Response Data


Field Name Type Description
taskId String Unique task ID
url String download url for output file
duration Float duration of output file
language String text language

Response Sample

Sample Response

    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": "Success.",
    "data": {
        "taskId": "ap_xxxxxxxxxxx",
        "url": "https://xxx.mp3",
        "duration": 12.0,
        "language": "zh-CN"