Error Code

HTTP Status Code Error code Error message Cause of error
200 0 This field will be ommitted
401 1102 Unauthorized Client Parameter appId invalid
401 1106 Missing Access Token Missing Authorization
401 1107 Invalid Token Incorrect Authorization
401 1108 Expired Token Expired timeStamp
400 2000 Missing Parameter Missing timeStamp
400 2001 Invalid Parameter TimeStamp format error
429 1104 Out of Rate Limit Frequency of requests exceeds the limit
429 1105 Out of Quotas The total number of characters requested exceeds the limit.
405 1004 Method Not Allowed The http request method can only be get or post. If it is post, header must have content-type,and its value should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded
411 1007 Not Content Length If the http request’s method is post, the correct content-length must be set in the header.h
413 2102 Input Too Long Request entity too large
400 1002 API Not Found The corresponding API was not found according to the path of the http request.
400 1003 Bad Request Parsing request failed
400 2000 Missing Parameter Missing parameters q, source, target
400 2102 Input Too Long The length of the parameter q exceeds the limit.
400 3000 Internal Error Internal Error