Information Submission Interface Specification

1. Parameter specification

  • Request URL:

Get it from the Console - Service Configuration

  • Interface description:

Submit the video information to the interface. After the information is submitted, screenshots of the video will be detected, and the results need to be obtained by calling the Result Obtaining Interface.

  • Supported Formats:

Video package formats supported by the detection interface: flv、mkv 、mp4 、rmvb 、avi 、wmv、3gp、ts、mov etc.

  • Size limit:

Size limit of the video: <1G.

  • HTTP Request Header:
Header Value Description
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 Request body type
Accept application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accepted return type
X-AppId The only identifier of the project or application.
X-TimeStamp The UTC timestamp of the request. Timestamps need to be formatted according to W3C standards, for example: 2010-01-31T23:59:59Z. (。
Authorization Signature value
  • Request method:POST

  • Request body JSON object:

Parameter Required Type Description|
type Required Number 1: Video URL; 2: Video BASE64 value
video Required Srting Video content, if type=1, then the value is the Video URL, if type=2, then the value is Video BASE64 value. When type is 2, then the video must be less than 10m.
videoName Optional String The name of the video file. When type=2 and the video is BASE64, this parameter is essential and can indicate the video format
lang Optional String Default zh-CN;
frequency Optional Number Default frame extraction setting, there will be one frame captured and detected every 5 seconds, the settable range is 1~60 seconds
userId Optional Srting Unique end user ID. The user ID should be no more than 32 characters.
userIP Optional Srting User IP address
did Optional Srting User device ID
dtype Optional Srting User device type: 1:iPhone 2:User device type: android 3: ipad 4:wphone 5: pc 6:web 7:wap
callbackRegion Optional String callback region:default use cn server to do callback,supports : cn,us,eu
callbackUrl Optional String callback url:http
callbackSecretKey Optional String callback secret key, customizable. but is necessary be consistent in your callback signature
  • Example of request body:

    JSON Response
          "userId": "testUser",
          "did": "868034031518269",
          "dtype": "1"
  • Request signature:

When the user requests the Video Submit API, the request can be signed with the appId and secretKey (obtained from the Console - Service Configuration). When the API receives the request with the signature information, it will verify the signature using the same algorithm, and if the signature is found to be inconsistent, the API will return 401 error to the user. If the API validates the signature to be consistent and the user corresponding to the appId has permission to operate the requested resource, then the request succeeds, otherwise the API returns 401 error.

  • Send signatures by HTTP Request Headers

Method: Add a header named Authorization in the request, whose value is the signature value. For example:

 Authorization: *****
  • Signature calculation method
  1. Canonicalized Query String Convert the request body JSON string to a hexadecimal string (not Base64) by doing sha256 encoding with UTF-8 character encoding.

CanonicalizedQueryString = hex(sha256(jsonBody))

2.Constructs the signed string StringToSign ("\n" stands for ASCII newline character):

StringToSign = HTTPMethod + "\n" +
               HostHeaderInLowercase + "\n" +
               HTTPRequestURI + "\n" +
               CanonicalizedQueryString <Get from the previous step> + "\n" +
               "X-AppId:" + SAME_APPID_IN_HEADER + "\n" +
               "X-TimeStamp:" + SAME_TIMESTAMP_IN_HEADER

HTTPRequestURI is the absolute path to the request URI, not containing the CanonicalizedQueryString. If the HTTPRequestURI is empty, a forward slash (/) will be retained.

The hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) is created using the HMAC-SHA256 protocol and then the signature is calculated.

  1. StringToSign serves as the signature string, secretKey serves as the secret key and SHA256 serves as the hash algorithm

     For more information about HMAC, see:。
  2. Converting the results of the previous step to a BASE64 string

  3. Put the BASE64 string into the Authorization of HTTP request Header

  • Example of signature

Below is an example of appId & secretKey & video


Below is an example of request body.

 "type": 1,
 "userId": "12345678"

Generate CanonicalizedQueryString


Generate StringToSign


Signatures from HMAC calculations
