Information Submission Interface Response

HTTP Response:

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

The result is in the JSON format, please refer to the following example.

  • HTTP response

Description of returning json fields

Field Name Type Descriptioin
errorCode Number Error code:0 means success
errorMessage String Error message
result JSON object Result message


Field Name Type Descriptioin |
taskId String Task id, used to call the Video Result Obtaining Interface
  • Response example 1:

    JSON response

          "errorCode": 0,

Error code:

Http Status code Error code Error message
200 0 This field is omitted
405 1004 Method Not Allowed
411 1007 Not Content Length
400 1002 API Not Found
400 1003 Bad Request
401 1102 Unauthorized Client
401 1106 Missing Access Token
401 1107 Invalid Token
401 1108 Expired Token
401 1110 Invalid Client
401 2000 Missing Parameter
401 2001 Invalid Parameter